Desert Spirituality
Often we feel like we cannot connect with God. We fell a spiritual dryness. God allows this so
that we continually seek Him in new and creative ways. We begin to see the reality in the
Often we feel like we cannot connect with God. We fell a spiritual dryness. God allows this so
that we continually seek Him in new and creative ways. We begin to see the reality in the
We move into different stages of life from birth to death. At every stage we have a crisis. These
crisis awaken us to understand that when we are in transition we need to see God’s movement.
How our personal life can be aligned with Jesus resurrected life. Understanding the dynamics of
falling down and bring up again.
Understanding oneself by understanding ones childhood and several circumstances that have
affected our journey.
How to live for Christ without being attached to anything. In our silence we try to listen to the
Lord prompting regarding things that may be hindering us towards becoming a servant of Christ.
Grief is not an easy emotional exercise to work with but when we do give ourselves time for
grief work, we honor our emotional condition which the Lord wants as a healing tool so that we
can become the person who will develop to serve the Lord according to his plans.
Based on the book of Palmer Parker that helps us discuss where God is calling us. This retreat
will help us to know what we were created for, what our giftings are and how we can be of
service to our community and to God