About us

Who We Are

We have been moved by the Spirit to accompany those who desire to discover and respond to their calling. Our ministry empowers people to be more aware of themselves and of God, embrace the realities of life, and journey with an authentic community for spiritual transformation.

In these trying times, we are one with the poor in spirit who are seeking the Lord. We welcome all pilgrims and offer a safe space for spiritual nourishment regardless of one’s faith tradition, status, gender, or political views. As we form communities in our desire for healing, we journey together holding each other up through the mountaintops and valleys. We utilize the gifts of accessibility and connectivity offered by modern day technology. These are new passageways that form and strengthen relationships.

We seek to embody God’s mercy and love for those in the peripheries, those who feel left out even amid the crowd, those who long for the divine therapy. We pitch our tent outside the camp where the hurt and the heavily laden can find some healing and rest. We accompany those who are trying to navigate their liminal spaces and know God’s presence.

Our Vision

Man Fully Alive.

Our Mission

  • To help seekers develop greater God-awareness and self-awareness so they can deepen their intimacy with God.
  • To guide seekers in their road to freedom from attachments that hinder them from responding freely to God’s call.
  • To assist the seekers in the process of discernment to know and
    fulfill their calling.
  • To continuously accompany followers on their journey towards wholeness.
  • To provide a place for transformation and renewal.

Pilgrim’s Creed


I commit to living a life fully present to God as he is fully present to me. I spend time with God in nature and in the scriptures. I am intentional in setting aside time for daily examen. I am committed to trusting God in my transformation as I follow God more closely.


I commit to a life of balance, rythm, and moderation. I will be present to the season where I am in. I honor the commitments I make with God, myself, and others will be discerning in the face of change.


I commit to actively and willingly take part in a community of co-pilgrims in this journey. I do my part in keeping mutual love and respect alive. My community is my safe and sacred space where I can be authentic and vulnerable. I allow my community to speak into my life and help me see my blind spots. As we travel along this path, we keep each other isnpired and faithful to our calling.


I commit to being open to learning something new everyday through my readings, conversations with other people and daily grind. I try to be mindful of every learning opportunity God sends my way. I am committed to using my wisdom as God intends.


I commit to being hospitable to God, myself, and other people. By being present to the now, I am able welcome life as it comes, in whatever form it appears. I am being hospitable to God by letting him be God, not wanting to take his role in my life. I am being hospitable to myself by listening to what my body, soul, and spirit need. I am being hospitable to others by making space to welcome them as they come knocking at my door and by showing them mercy and compassion.


I commit to continuously discern my calling and be faithful to it by striving to live it out. I let go of anything that stands in my way of responding to that call. I try to be an instrument who can help others discern their own calling.


I commit to allowing myself to engage in creative expressions of my being. I use my gifts to create something as my way of giving thanks to my creator. I am present to the beauty around me, appreciating the creativity of my God. I am committed to using my creativity as I respond to my calling.

Faith Statement

John 17:20-23 is the biblical ground of striving for church unity, in which Jesus prays that Christians “may all be one” in order “that the world may know” and believe the Gospel message.

We believe that we are part of creation. We are human animals rediscovering our primal connection to God and the earth. This is a homecoming to the wild nature God originally bestowed on us. Embracing our identity as creatures allows us to become one with the Creator.

God’s design for man and woman is to form a family and multiply. The family is to become the primary unit or community where a child grows up. The parents are the guiding light to righteousness to the family, particularly the children. Understanding God’s design for the family helps parents adopt God’s purpose for their family and understand their key role in shaping godly children.

The family serves a crucial part in God’s kingdom on earth. The family is the means by which God communicates, preserves and further expands His holy influence. The home is the place in which His truths are taught and modeled.

We embrace the spirituality of imperfection. We believe that the intensity of sin is not diminished but God has enough space in Him to love us, His imperfect children. He makes allowances for us and embraces us despite our missing the mark. The light overcomes the darkness just as God’s love overcomes the sin.

Marriage is a very high calling. When a man and a woman are married, God joins them together and they become one flesh. Therefore, they should not separate or
divorce. However, divorce is considered if there is unfaithfulness in the marriage.

The Pharisees come to Jesus and ask “Is it lawful to divorce one’s wife for any cause?”. Jesus’ answer goes back to the creation account and God’s original intention for marriage in Genesis 1 and 2. Jesus quotes Genesis 1:27 (the Creator “made them male and female”) and 2:24 (“therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh”). Next, He underlines the fact that when a man and woman are married they “are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate” (Matthew 19:6).

But what about Moses? Therefore, Jesus’ basic answer is that in marriage a man and woman are united/joined together by God – they become one flesh – therefore, they should not be separated (i.e. the shouldn’t get divorced). However, the Pharisees then ask another question: “Why then did Moses command one to give a certificate of divorce and to send her away?” (Matthew 19:7). The Pharisees are referring to Deuteronomy 24:1, where Moses allows a man to give a certificate of divorce to his wife. Why then does Moses (who is speaking God’s words, not his own) allow divorce when God in Genesis 1 and 2 seems to forbid it?

Jesus’ answer is that it is “because of your hardness of heart” (Matthew 19:8), that Moses (speaking God’s words) permitted divorce. It is important to remember at this point that between Genesis 1 and 2 and Deuteronomy 24, an enormous tragedy took place: Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s command. As a result, God has judged them and they are no longer permitted to live in the Garden of Eden. People’s hearts are now hardened. Therefore, although a man and woman still become “one flesh” when they are married, God now permits divorce in certain situations. (Another way of looking at this is that in Genesis 1 and 2 divorce would have never been an issue, since a husband and wife would never have sinned against each other in any way, but that after Genesis 3 sin and divorce do become issues.)”

Our hardened hearts resulted in dysfunctional families and a dysfunctional world.

As we dedicate our lives to continuously and intentionally move towards the light we slowly become the light for others. Our calling and design is to be the light in the darkness. The darkness can be overwhelming and so we must persevere to sustain the light

Mathew 5:16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. John 1:5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

John 8:12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Restoration is at the heart of God. On the third day denotes a process of separation to restoration, from death to resurrection. God continuously pursues us until we are back in communion with Him because He loves us. Jesus’ death and  resurrection exemplified God’s desire to restore us. The invitation for us is to die to ourselves and to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us back to the heart of God where, in communion with God, we receive the resurrection
power to become fully alive.

In His death and resurrection Jesus encouraged us, through His appearance to Mary Magdalene who later gathered the apostles, to have peace in the midst of the terrible experience of His death. We are invited to sit and be at peace in this great tension. This is the deeper meaning and mystery of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Mary Magdalene was given the opportunity to be the first to see the Risen Christ. Despite not fully understanding what was happening, she exercised her faith. She was prepared to accept the death of the human body of Jesus Christ only to witness the presence of the soul and spirit of God. Like Mary Magdalene, we are invited to sit in the tensions of life.

Here is an excerpt from the Holy See press Office, Mary Magdalene, apostle of the apostles, 10.06.2016:

The archbishop Arthur Roche took the opportunity to highlight two ideas inherent in the biblical and liturgical texts of the new feast, which may contribute to a better understanding of the current importance of a saint such as Mary Magdalene.

“On the one hand, she has the honour of being the ‘prima testis’ to the resurrection of the Lord, the first to see the empty tomb and the first to hear the truth of His resurrection. Christ has a special consideration and mercy for this woman, who shows her love for Him, looking for Him in the garden with anguish and suffering, with ‘lacrimas humilitatis’, as St. Anselm says in the aforementioned prayer. In this sense, I would like to show the difference between the two women present in the garden of Paradise, and in the garden of the Resurrection. The first disseminates death where there was life, and the second proclaims Life from a tomb, the place of death. Likewise, it is in the garden of resurrection that the Lord says to Mary Magdalene, ‘Noli me tangere’. It is an invitation not only to Mary, but also to all the Church, to enter into an experience of faith that overcomes any materialistic appropriation or human understanding of the divine mystery. It has ecclesial importance. It is a good lesson for every disciple of Jesus: do not seek human securities and worldly honours, but faith in the Living and Risen Christ.”

“Precisely since she was an eyewitness to the Risen Christ, she was also the first to testify before the apostles. She fulfills the mandate the Risen Christ gives her: ‘go to my brothers and say to them, Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord”— and that he had said these things to her. In this way she becomes, as is already known, an evangelist, or rather a messenger who announces the good news of the resurrection of the Lord; or, as Rabano Mauro and St. Thomas Aquinas said, ‘apostolorum apostola’, as she announces to the apostles what they in turn will announce to all the world. The Angelic Doctor is right to apply this term to Mary Magdalene: she is the witness to the Risen Christ and announces the message of the resurrection of the Lord, like the other apostles.

The primary example given to us by Mary Magdalene comes from the understanding that life and death are two opposing poles that cannot be without the other. We as humans need to understand and be at peace in the tension of that reality.

In life:
Where there is pain there is joy.
There is death and there is life.
There is darkness and there is light.
Where there is presence there is absence.
Where there is goodness there is evil.
Where there is love there is hate.
Where there is success there is failure.

We believe these are some of our realities. We can be spacious, flexible, and fluid as we go through life.

God is love so He puts love into us and desires for us to love others as we love ourselves. We are designed to be companions to others.

Galatians 6: 1-5 Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted.

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves.

Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, for each one should carry their own load.

Companions do not judge each other. They do not think their opinion is the only correct one. They give space for everyone to be unique and express that uniqueness as God intended.

We are commissioned to teach people to anchor themselves on The Holy Trinity so they may become persons for others.

We inspire people to develop and cultivate the ground of their being, which is rooted in Christ. We, the ministers of OTTD, have received the robe from the Lord and the ministry becomes the vehicle so all may receive it. The robe brings light, truth, and love to others and the ultimate source is the Holy Trinity.

The Three Pillars of the Ministry

Every step we take as a ministry is founded on these three pillars:


The inspired writings in the Bible guides our lives as true followers of Christ. The gospel stories, wisdom from the prophets, and the lives of Biblical characters enlighten our minds and hearts, speak to our unique experiences, give us joy and consolation, and draw us closer to Him who is Word incarnate. The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola and all our retreats and recollections all involve the reading of the sacred Scriptures.


Everything that surrounds us is a reflection of God. Through His creation we are able to feel God’s presence and experience His boundless love. Creation includes nature and all life forms in it, the natural forces at work, and the beautiful landscapes and sceneries that all speak of God’s greatness. The Eco-Spirituality & Retreat Center where we hold our retreats is our sacred space where one can connect to God. The silence and solitude in a beautiful place all contribute to enriched prayer life and greater self and God awareness which ignite one’s creativity. Creativity, in all its forms, is a big part of being fully alive.


Our psychospiritual approach allows for a more holistic view of the human person. Through the help of psychology, we can have a deeper understanding of human behavior and its physiological and sociological influences. As we talk about faith and movement of the spirit in each person, we also take into account some important considerations such as developmental stages, consciousness and unconsciousness, personality types, and coping and defense mechanisms.

The Core Team

Lita Quimson-Feliciano

Founder & Executive Director

Fully alive and wild at heart, Lita has been designing programs for retreats and courses since the ministry started 14 years ago. She prepares sacred landscapes that inspired her to become a contemplative activist who focuses on caring for the planet. Her Retreat Center is an art Park with a gallery of a collection used for Visio Divina. The Gallery is an intimate prayer room.

Lita practices radical creativity through mosaicing which has filled the retreat center with artscapes.She is also an experienced spiritual director trained in various local and international institutions. She holds a master’s degree in ministry major in spiritual formation, and certificates in spiritual direction and formation.

Starting last 2023 Lita has been leading the pilgrimages which she calls Retreat on Wheels. She choses places off the beaten track, hoping to connect with the biblical characters in a deep manner by savoring the places the saints or Jesus himself visited.

Jac Gatbalite

Trauma-Informed Spiritual Director | Program Manager

Jac has been called to be a Companion. She was a College Guidance Counselor and a Lecturer at La Consolacion College, Manila, for 8 years and a reading companion for children with reading challenges/dyslexia.

With a deep passion for Ignatian spirituality, Jac has guided individuals through profound spiritual journeys. Her sessions are known for integrating creative methods like art, movement, and music to enhance the retreat experience. Jac’s approach fosters a sacred and playful space where participants can encounter God in everyday moments as who they are. Jac has been trained in retreat-giving and spiritual direction at the Center for Ignatian Spirituality in Ateneo de Manila University, and giving of the Full Spiritual Exercises [SpEx] at the Kardia Formation in Australia. 

After years of experience accompanying others, much prayer and discernment, she embraced the call to journey with people who identify with Trauma and the Inner Child as these themes constantly present themselves in her sessions and daily encounters with people. Jac is a Trauma-Informed Spiritual Director trained and certified by the University of Redlands. Her experience in giving the Spiritual Exercises complements her trauma-informed approach, providing a holistic and empathetic space to be seen and heard, and to be who they really are as God sees them.

Having a second lease of life after surviving a pulmonary embolism, she is now committed to accompanying other people in their spiritual journey and is managing the programs of OTTD.

Our Support

Joey Galvez

Certified Enneagram Teacher

Joey is the first and only certified Enneagram teacher of the Enneagram Institute. He trained under Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson, two of the leading figures in the study and development of Enneagram. Joey also serves as a spiritual director and spearheads various basic and advanced Enneagram courses in OTTD. Concurrently, he is a program associate for Enneagram trainings at Emmaus Center for Psycho-Spiritual Formation. Joey has been teaching the Enneagram since 2004 to principals, supervisors, public school teachers, seminarians, priests and religious, lay leaders, and formators of different religious orders and congregations.

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