Zest Programs

Presencing: A Deep Listening

We will all need to discern at some point. To discern, we need first to become present to ourselves and others. It will require deep listening. A self-awareness that you will invest in because as you grow, you will understand the complexity of the human person. Through self-awareness, we begin to understand God and ourselves better.


We will all need to discern at some point. To discern, we need first to become present to ourselves and others. It will require deep listening. A self-awareness that you will invest in because as you grow, you will understand the complexity of the human person. Through self-awareness, we begin to understand God and ourselves better.
The art of Discernment is the uniting of my spirit to God’s spirit, which takes body, soul, and spirit work. We teach that this has to be an intentional endeavor, and the fact that it requires silence doesn’t mean it is a passive way of being; it is the contrary. It represents an oxymoron: practicing solitude in a very active way.

We go on to look at Discernment from an Ignatian perspective. We briefly touch on the Ignatian rules of Discernment and look at the forms of prayer that Ignatius gave to this world, like the prayer of examen, and how it would be helpful to practice this as a prerequisite to the discernment process.
Finally, we think of what we have to discern and use it as a workshop where we sit quietly with our case and seek God’s will. We consider our reality the past experiences leading to the current situation, seek wisdom from the community, and sit with God in solitude. We take what we feel we have discerned to the group or spiritual direction and seek accompaniment from a spiritual director.

  • To help the participant understand the intentions of the practice of Discernment.
  • How to practice Discernment as a way of life
  • To understand the dynamics of presence, self-awareness, and connection with God and its importance in living a Christian life.
  • To practice presence, self-awareness, and union with God as a result of this retreat.
  • To hear others’ experiences of what they bring to discern that choices need to be made in this life is a universal endeavor.

This retreat is designed for those who may have attempted to discern in the past but realized that they had made some major wrong decisions and want to learn how to silence themselves and become more self-aware and more God-aware.
No doubt, there are many different voices that we hear during our discernment process. We will be able to examine the quality of our community and how our partnership with the community assists us in discerning our direction and the voice of God.
We learn about Ignatius and his take on Discernment and making good choices, so this is for those who are serious and committed to following God.

They are willing to invest their time for themselves and the Lord. They’re eager to go to a quiet place to pray and listen to God.

Teaching No 1 Presence: A Deep Listening

The need to empty oneself so that the spirit of God could replace whatever might be clogging our ability to hear and know. Deep listening has many facets: listening to self, God, and community. When we have developed the art of listening, we learn to pay attention, notice, see, and hear what God is saying and how God is moving.

The teaching works on our attitude towards humility to admit that we have made wrong choices and would want to learn the proper way to discern.

Teaching No 2 What is Ignatian Discernment
  • How Discernment serves as a bridge between the demands of the world and the Gospel
  • A Tool to facilitate creative change
  • Do you have the motivation to discern because you want to please God? We assist you in your self-awareness and ground your spirituality.
  • We inform you of Ignatius’ art of detecting the good and the evil spirit.
  • We help you understand consolation and desolation and its dynamics.
  • We explain how the practice of Discernment helps us move towards Interior Free and acknowledge that it is through grace that we receive that we can become free.
Teaching No 3: Let's Discern: The Art of Choosing Well
  • Discernment and Decision making is one and the other for spiritually mature Christians.
  • It is generally about choosing one’s state of life, a job option/location, and married or single life.
  • How has the decision to decide become ripe- what factors led you to the ripeness of the decision-making process? 
  • Why is journaling advantageous, and how does it help us
  • Who were your companions as you decided, and how were they beneficial to you
  • Understand the heart of the matter of what you are designing 
  • Understand what alternatives are being presented to you. 
  • As I learn to give as part of my options as I discern, how do I receive in the process?

Those Interested Must

  • Click the Sign Up button to launch the form and fill it up. If you have attended a retreat with us before, please send us an email of intent so we can enlist you and guide you through confirming your participation.
  • Undergo an interview through phone call or video call. The schedule of the interview will be set upon submission of the application form.

Please submit your application on or before 
July 14, 2024.


July 21, 2024, Sunday


Online: ZOOM
Please download the Zoom app at www.zoom.us

  • Pay P1,500 per day via bank deposit, online transfer, or PayPal.
  • This payment is refundable until July 14, 2024, seven (7) days prior to the event.
  • The payment details will be sent to you upon acceptance after your interview.

For any inquiries, please contact programs@spiritualformation.center or
0917 188 6883.


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